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Nikki in 't Groen

Internship student

+31 43 38 71272


Laboratory of Cellular Genomic Medicine
Department of Clinical Genetics
Maastricht UMC+
P. Debyelaan 25
6229 HX Maastricht
The Netherlands

About me

My name is Nikki in 't Groen. I have been an internship student within the CGM team since the beginning of September. Currently I am in my last year of college. When I am done with college this year, I will have my bachelor's degree in Forensic Laboratory research. During the final year of my studies, I am doing an internship at Maastricht UMC+ in the Clinical Genetics department within the CGM team. My project during my internship in the CGM team is about clinical epigenomics. I will develop and validate a diagnostic assay for patients with aberrant epigenetic alterations. Methylation of DNA appears to play an essential role in the development of certain diseases by inhibiting the expression of certain genes.

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